Andrzej Pastwa
Andrzej Pastwa, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland,
Andrzej Pastwa (born 1960), Dr. iur. can. habil., Head of Department of Canon Law and Ecumenical Theology at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Silesia, and a judge at the Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Court in Katowice. He is a member of Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo, Consociatio Iuris Canonici Polonorum, as well as Commission for Polish-Czech and Polish-Slovak Relations of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has published numerous papers on canon law, especially marriage law, most recently: Il bene dei coniugi. L’identificazione dell’elemento ad validitatem nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana, [Biblioteca Teologica, Sezione Canonistica, 7], Eupress FTL–Edizioni Cantagalli, Lugano–Siena 2018. He is the editor-in-chief of the English-language academic journals: Ecumeny and Law and Philosophy and Canon Law.
Andrzej Pastwa (ur. 1960), Dr. iur. can. habil., kierownik Katedry Prawa Kanonicznego i Ekumenizmu w Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, sędzia Sądu Metropolitalnego w Katowicach. Jest członkiem Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo, Stowarzyszenia Kanonistów Polskich oraz Komisji ds. Stosunków Polsko-Czeskich i Polsko-Słowackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Opublikował liczne teksty z prawa kanonicznego, szczególnie z prawa małżeńskiego, ostatnio: Il bene dei coniugi. L’identificazione dell’elemento ad validitatem nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana, [Biblioteca Teologica, Sezione Canonistica, 7], Eupress FTL–Edizioni Cantagalli, Lugano–Siena 2018. Jest redaktorem naczelnym anglojęzycznych czasopism naukowych: „Ecumeny and Law” and „Philosophy and Canon Law”. [czerwiec 2018]
Lista publikacji
- Dobro małżonków. Identyfikacja elementu „ad validitatem” w orzecznictwie Roty Rzymskiej
- Istotne elementy małżeństwa. W nurcie odnowy personalistycznej
- Miłość i odpowiedzialność – wyznaczniki kanonicznego przygotowania do małżeństwa
- Przymierze miłości małżeńskiej. Jana Pawła II idea małżeństwa kanonicznego
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2013, No. 1: Marriage covenant – paradigm of encounter of the „de matrimonio” thought of the East and West
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2013, No. 1: Marriage covenant – paradigm of encounter of the „de matrimonio” thought of the East and West
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2014, Vol. 2: Sovereign Family
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2014, Vol. 2: Sovereign Family
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2015, Vol. 3: Welfare of the Child: Welfare of Family, Church, and Society
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2016, Vol. 4: Religious Freedom Today
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2017, Vol. 5: Youth – Church – Evangelism
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2017, Vol. 5: Youth – Church – Evangelism
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2018. Vol. 6: Remaining United in Diversity
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2019. Vol. 7: Idea of Synodality: Contexts, Challenges, and Perspectives (I)
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2020. Vol. 8: Idea of Synodality: Contexts, Challenges, and Perspectives (II)
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2021. Vol. 9 (1): Migration — Ecumenism — Integration (I)
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2021. Vol. 9 (2): Migration — Ecumenism — Integration (II)
- „Ecumeny and Law” 2022. Vol. 10 (1): Ut Unum Sint (I)
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2015. Vol. 1: The Family Institution: Identity, Sovereignty, Social Dimension
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2015. Vol. 1: The Family Institution: Identity, Sovereignty, Social Dimension
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2016. Vol. 2: Man – Family – Society in the Modern World
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2017. Vol. 3: Church and State: Promotion of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of the Human Person
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2017. Vol. 3: Church and State: Promotion of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of the Human Person
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2018. Vol. 4: Contemporary Challenges of Education: Values–Norms–Legislation
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2019. Vol. 5: Between the Culture of the Right to Responsible Parenthood and the Culture of the “New” Human Rights: Reproductive and Sexual (I)
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2020. Vol. 6: Between the Culture of the Right to Responsible Parenthood and the Culture of the “New” Human Rights: Reproductive and Sexual (II)
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2021. Vol. 7 (1): Semicentennial of Karol Wojtyła's „The Acting Person”: Ideas–Contexts–Inspirations (I)
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2021. Vol. 7 (2): Semicentennial of Karol Wojtyła's „The Acting Person”: Ideas–Contexts–Inspirations (II)
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2022. Vol. 8 (1): Nomos – Ethos – Oikonomia. In Memory of Professor Józef Tischner
- „Philosophy and Canon Law” 2022. Vol. 8 (2): Nomos – Ethos – Oikonomia. In Memory of Professor Remigiusz Sobański
- „Rodzina suwerenna – Kościół domowy”. W nurcie współczesnej myśli prawnej Kościoła powszechnego i Kościoła w Polsce