Scripta Classica


Rules for authors submitting a paper to be published

Author’s first and last name should be placed in the top left corner, and author’s affiliation must be put below it (given in a language that article was written in). A text of an article (exclusively in “congressional” language) ought to be preceded by an Abstract as well as Key Words in English (under the title of an article). Main text should meet the following requirements by the University of Silesia Press:

•  left margin – 4 cm, but no right-aligned text

•  right margin – 1.5 cm

•  font Times New Roman – 12 pt

•  2 line spacing (around 30 lines per page)

Footnotes should be done according to previous volumes of Scripta Classica, among others taking into account the following requirements by University of Silesia Press:

• Footnotes must be placed at the foot of relevant page (i.e. at the same where a number –  footnote indicator – is placed).

•  The first line of each footnote must be indented.

•  Footnotes font is Times New Roman 12 pt.

•  2 line spacing.

•  Last names of modern authors should be  s p a c e d  o u t.

•  A colon [:] should be placed after the initial(s) of first name(s) and spaced-out last name of a modern author.

•  The names of Antique writers and their books should be written in accordance with universally accepted abbreviations  (Cic. Tusc.; Plut. Caes.; Suet. Aug.; Tac. Ann.; Verg. Aen.).

• Books, journals and multi-author works titles are written in italic type (Scripta Classica).

• Titles of articles in journals or in multi-author works as well as titles of particular chapters should be written in roman type and in double quotation marks [“ ”]. 

• A distinction should be made between a hyphen [-] and an em dash [ – ].

• The abbreviations and punctuation according to Niezbędnik wydawniczy UŚ 


• See the following examples.

The examples of the footnotes in the papers published in Scripta Classica:

A footnoted book: J. Sieroń:Inspiracje filozoficzne w twórczości Wergiliusza. Katowice 1994, p. 35.

A footnoted chapter from the book by a given author: J. Kowalski: “Historia Górnego Śląska”. W: I d e m: Górny Śląsk — wczoraj i dziś. Warszawa 2008, pp. 35—48.

A footnoted article/chapter from a multi-author work: J. Sieroń:“Koncepcja wychowania w teorii politycznej Platona”. W: Morze w kulturze starożytnych Greków i Rzymian. Red. J. R o s t r o p o w i c z. Opole 1995, pp. 25—35.

A footnoted article from a journal: “Motyw Złotego Wieku w twórczości Klaudiana”. Meander1973, Vol. 28, p. 290.

If a book was footnoted right before: Ibidem, p. 35.

If a book was footnoted earlier (within one article/chapter), use a shortened footnote (not op. cit.). While shortening a footnote, pay attention to consistency (use the same shortened version each time). Also multi-author works appear as shortened footnotes (even if you refer to various articles/chapters from the same multi-author volume).