Kazimiera Wódz, Professor of Sociology, Head of Department of Cultural Studies and Social Work Unit Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia.
Research fields: cultural studies, European studies, urban and regional studies, political sociology, social work and social policy. She was working on several international projects, dealing with different aspects of regional transformations, eg.: grant founded by The Institute of Human Sciences: Social History of Poverty in Central Europe, The Polish Case (Vienna 1997–1999), CIVGOV (2003–2006), 5 FP EU Identity, Diversity and Citizenship in the European Union, grant founded by James Madison Trust (2004–2005), 7 FP, EU: SPHERE (2008–2011).
Selected publications: Prof. Kazimiera Wódz published over 250 articles, edited and co-edited many books and scientific reports. Recent publications: Dimensions of Silesian Identity (with J. Wódz) (Katowice 2006); Negocjowana demokracja (ed.) (Warszawa 2007), Post-communist Transitions: Mapping the Landscapes of Upper Silesia (with K. Łęcki, J. Klimczak-Ziółek, M. Witkowski) in: J. Kirk, S. Contrepois, S. Jefferys (eds.), Changing Work and Community in European Regions (London 2011); of Restructuring Class and Gender. Six case studies (co-editor with M. Gnieciak) (Kraków 2012), Zapomniane miejsca, zapomniani ludzie. Restrukturyzacja ekonomiczna a zmiana kulturowa (ed.) (Katowice 2013); Wojkowickie Laboratorium Rewitalizacji Społecznej – Wojkowice (co-editor with M. Klimek) (Wojkowice 2017). [16.07.2018].