Ecumeny and Law
Ecumeny and Law - maile
Andrzej Pastwa
Deputy editor-in-chief
Józef Budniak
Kinga Karsten, Marek Rembierz
Head of ecumeny department
Zdzisław Kijas
Head of law department
Piotr Kroczek
Statistical editor
Wojciech Świątkiewicz
English language editor
Michelle Adamowski
French language editor
Dorota Śliwa
Italian language editor
Agnieszka Gatti
Vol. 1
Paweł Bortkiewicz
Marriage: The Project of Culture or Faith?
Tadeusz Kałużny
Indissolubility of Marriage from the Lutheran Perspective
Marek Petro
Marriage and Family under Tutelage of the Greek Catholic Church in Slovakia
Pavol Dancak
Issue of Acceptance of Teachings on Marriage by the Faithful of Religious
Denominations in Selected Regions of Eastern Slovakia
Jozef Budniak
“Sunday belongs to the Lord and to us” — in Roman Catholic-Lutheran Families
Tomasz Gałkowski
The Matrimonial Covenant as the Nature of Things (of Marriage)
Andrzej Pastwa
Marriage Covenant in Catholic Doctrine: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church Gaudium et Spes — the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio— the Code of Canon Law — the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
Nicolae V. Dură, Teodosie Petrescu
The Mixed Marriages According to the Orthodox Canonical Legislation (3rd—7th centuries)
František Čitbaj
Situation of Canonical, Mixed Catholic-Orthodox Marriages in Slovakia in
the Historical and Contemporary Context
Damian Němec
On the Concept of the Sacramentality of Marriage in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church
Piotr Kroczek
Marriage in Catholic and Lutheran Approach as a Paradigm for Polish Legislator
Leszek Adamowicz
Free State Declaration of Non-Catholic Persons before Celebrating of Canonical Marriage
Vol. 2
Wojciech Świątkiewicz
The Value‑Oriented
Meaning of the Family and Its Contemporary Transformations
Marian Machinek
The Charter of the Rights of the Family and the Yogyakarta Principles. Two Worlds
Pavol Dancak
Reflection on the Family at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Jozef Budniak
Pastoral Counselling of Multi‑Religious Families Based on Examples from Bielsko‑Żywiec Diocese
Marcin Składanowski
The Cultural, National and Religious Identity of the Inhabitants of the Polish‑Belarusian
Borderland: Historical Experiences as a Factor in Shaping the Contemporary Podlasie Region
Wojciech Góralski
Family as a Sovereign Institution
Tomasz Gałkowski
The Charter of the Rights of the Family in the Context of Theology of Law Institution of the Family according to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church
Piotr Kroczek
The Rights of the Family in the Vision of the Evangelical Church
Damian Němec
Pastoral Vision of the Rights of the Family in the Catholic Church
Lucjan Świto
Legal Protection of the Institutional Value of Marriage
Andrzej Pastwa
The Right to Found a Family and the Right to Parenthood. Remarks on Articles 2 and 3 of the Charter of the Rights of the Family
Urszula Nowicka
The Right to Freedom of Spouse Choice and Religious Upbringing of Children (CRF, Articles 2 and 7)
Elżbieta Szczot
The Right to Work and Family Wage. Some Reflections on Article 10 of the Charter of the Rights of the Family from the Polish Perspective
Małgorzata Tomkiewicz
Protection of the Family in the Family Policy of the State: Legal, Social and Economic Aspects
Cătălina Mititelu, Bogdan Chiriluţă
The Christian Family in the Light of the Nomocanonical Legislation Printed in Romanian Language in the 17th Century
František Čitbaj
Civil Effects of Entering Into Canonical Marriage according to Laws of the Slovak Republic
Leszek Adamowicz
Law and Pastoral Care: Reflections of Three Popes
Vol. 3
Paweł Bortkiewicz
Rights (Claims) of Parents and the Child’s Welfare
Aneta Gawkowska
Children, Common Good, and Society
Helena Hrehova
The Good of the Child — the Good of the Family, the Church and Society
Jacek Kurzępa
Social Determinants of the Significance of a Child in a Micro‑ and Mezosocial Perspective
Stanisława Mielimąka
The Art of Communicating with a Child
Robert Samsel
Roman Catholic‑Anglican Mixed Marriages in Ecumenical Dialogue and Pastoral Practice
Jozef Budniak
Religious Education of Children in Families of Different Confessions
Nicolae V. Dură, † Teodosie Petrescu
Children’s Rights. Provisions of Certain International Conventions
Cătălina Mititelu
The Children’s Rights. Regulations and Rules of International Law
Wojciech Góralski
An Infant in Codex Iuris Canonici
Lucjan Świto
Legal Protection of the Unborn Child
Damian Němec
Protection of Minors in the Current Canon Law
Stanislav Přibyl
The Sacrament of Confirmation: From Being Educated in Faith to Christian Maturity
Tomasz Gałkowski
The Right of the Child to Life and to Preserve His or Her Identity
Andrzej Pastwa
The Right of the Child to be Raised in a Family. Around the Current Issues
Elżbieta Szczot
The Right of the Child to Decent Social Conditions and Education
Leszek Adamowicz
The Right of the Child to Access Information and to Express the Views Freely
Małgorzata Tomkiewicz
Legal Protection of the Child from Violence and the Detention of Minor Foreigners in Poland
Piotr Kroczek
Does the Catholic Vision of the Principle of Subsidiarity Pertain to Polish Family Law?
Vol. 4.
Jan Słomka
Augustine’s Argumentation against Religious Freedom
Jerzy Szymik
Freedom and Christology according to Theologiae Benedictae. Two Concepts, Two Anthropologies, One Logos/Son
Jerzy Sojka
Religious Freedom in the Doctrine of the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church of the Augsburg Confession
Volodymyr Vakin
The Role of Christian Freedom in the Light of the Orthodox Church’s Teachings
in a Secularized Society
Andrzej Halemba
Religious Freedom in the Middle East
Andrzej Pastwa
The Law of the Church — the Law of Freedom
Stanislav Přibyl
Freedom of Conscience in the Code of Canon Law
Piotr Ryguła
Religious Freedom in Spain
Stephan Haering
The Basic Right of the Freedom of Religion in Germany: Constitutional Legal Concept and Current Tendencies
Wilhelm Rees
The Rights to Religious Freedom and Beliefs — Development, Legal Foundations, and Recent Trends in Austria
† Teodosie Petrescu, Bogdan Chiriluţă
Religious Freedom in Romania
Nicolae V. Dură
From the Church Autonomy of the Archbishop Andrei Şaguna to the Autonomy
of the Religious Denominations in the Romanian State: Ecclesiological-Canonical Considerations
Damian Němec
Conscientious Objection in Current Czech Law
Cătălina Mititelu
The Autonomy of Religious Denominations in Romania
Vol. 5
Wojciech Świątkiewicz
Marriage and Family in Life Projects of Contemporary Youth
Stanisława Mielimąka, Michał Mielimąka
The Challenges of Becoming a Woman
Pavol Dancak
The Ethos of Education and the Ethos of Christianity
Jacek Kurzępa
Conditions of an Effective Dialogue with the Contemporary Youth
Aleksander Bańka
Youth and Experience of Living Faith. The Essential Aspects of Path to Christian Maturity
Przemysław Sawa
Is that a Really New Spirituality? Basics and Signs of the Spirituality of the
New Evangelization — the Case of Poland
Cătălina Mititelu
The “Globalization Era” and the Right of the Church to Preach the Gospel
to All Peoples. Canonical-Juridical Considerations and Assessments
Nicolae V. Dură
The Right to the “Freedom of Conscience”, Legal Basis for the Educational and Missionary Activity of Religious Denominations
Zbigniew Janczewski
The Sacrament of Confirmation as a Call to the Evangelization Directed towards Young People
Damian Němec
Contemporary Youth and the Preparation for Priesthood
Małgorzata Tomkiewicz
Modern Youth vs. Preparation for Family Life. Legal Issues
Monika Menke
Young People at Present and their Preparation for Religious Life
Andrzej Pastwa
Ius connubii Today — Legal and Pastoral Perspective
Lucjan Świto
Resolution in Favour of Marriage — an Oppressive Relic of the Past? The favor matrimonii Principle in Contemporary Law
Stanislav Přibyl
Pastoral Care of Youth in the Czech Republic — Legal Aspects